Wallingford Elementary School (WSSD)
Location: Wallingford, PA
Description: New Addition & Renovations
Wallingford Swarthmore School District has been in the process of revitalizing its buildings for more than a decade. In 2010, GKO Architects was selected to design additions and renovations to Wallingford Elementary School. This project completely transformed an outdated 1960’s era school into a vital 21st Century learning environment. Utilizing a well-conceived Phasing Plan, new Additions were constructed and readied for occupancy as the existing building was demolished in several phases. An 11,000-square-foot portion of the existing building was retained and renovated to accommodate the Administrative Offices and other program support spaces, while a 57,000-square-foot addition was constructed to house new instructional spaces. The final result was a transformed, reconfigured, and educationally revitalized state-of-the-art Elementary School with new energy efficient-building systems.