New Public Works Facility Proposal, Bucks County, PA

Location: Bucks County, PA
Description: Proposal for a New Public Works Facility

A Township in rural Bucks County invited GKO Architects to submit a proposal for a New Public Works Facility to be built on the grounds of their existing Municipal Complex. As part of our response, we offered a detailed design proposal which addressed the Township’s functional needs, but also considered how the facility would fit appropriately into the local context. Given the nature of the noisy activities that commonly occur at a Public Works Facility, we proposed a solid masonry perimeter wall, which formed an inner “Working Courtyard,” and provided screening and acoustical isolation. As a visual connection with the existing Township Building, we proposed sloped standing seam metal roofing, stone and stucco wall materials, and ventilation cupolas on the roofs to give the Public Works Buildings a rural “barn-like” appearance.